Ringworm is a skin and scalp disease caused by several different kinds of fungi. Ringworm on the scalp usually makes a bald patch of scaly skin. People with ringworm on other parts of their skin can have a ring-shaped rash that is reddish and may be itchy. The rash can be dry and scaly or wet and crusty.
Can animals transmit ringworm to me?
Yes, many different kinds of animals can transmit ringworm to people. Ringworm is transmitted from direct contact with an infected animal's skin or hair. Dogs and cats, especially kittens or puppies, can have ringworm that can be passed to people. Cows, goats, pigs, and horses can pass ringworm to people too. People can also get ringworm from other people and their personal items (CDC).
Can I transmit ringworm to my pet?
YES! If you develop ringworm first, you may have to take a break from contact with your furry friends because it is definitely harder to treat in animals (because of the amount of hair) than in people.
If you think your pet may have ringworm please see a veterinarian. If you develop ringworm, see your doctor! The faster it is resolved the fewer people and animals will be affected.
If you would like a bit more information on ringworm visit the National Institute of Health's website: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/001439.htm
This is what it may look like on a person's arm